Meet Cami
Running a business as a solopreneur for over 20 years has taught me a lot

Since 2002, I've been operating my web design business from my home office in Seattle, Washington, focusing mainly on small businesses and nonprofits. My local community is my primary focus, but thanks to referrals, I've had the opportunity to work with clients across the United States.
I have crafted more than 600 websites since 2002 and actively manage over 200 under my care plan service.
Networking has been a pivotal aspect of my professional journey. My 12 years with BNI and ongoing involvement in my local chamber of commerce have taught me the immense value of building connections. This understanding also extends to the WordPress Community, where I actively engage and collaborate, recognizing that networking within this community is just as crucial for growth and success.
I contributed to the GoDaddy Pro Advisory panel, a group of international web designers, from 2017-2023. This led to my role as the first GoDaddy Pro ambassador. I attended WCUS Nashville in 2018 and WCUS St. Louis in 2019 as part of the GoDaddy team. I also participated in an internal GoDaddy Roadshow, visiting their locations in Arizona and Iowa and meeting hundreds of GoDaddy employees.

My first WCUS as part of the GoDaddy Team. Nashville, 2018.

Attending WCUS St. Louis, 2019, with the GoDaddy Pro team.

The official WebCami Cafe photo taken at WCUS San Diego, 2022.

Meeting all three founders of Beaver Builder. WordCamp Phoenix, 2023.

Nighttime sightseeing in DC with friends. WCUS 2023.

Speaking at WordCamp Vancouver, 2023.
With GoDaddy, I had the chance to present in webinars and work in virtual booths during the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2023, I overcame my fear of public speaking, joining the ranks of speakers I've long admired at WordCamp Phoenix and Vancouver and presenting at my local chamber of commerce.
I've been a regular at WordCamp Seattle since 2013, volunteering in the community and co-hosting the WordPress Fundamentals Meetup from 2018 to 2023. While taking a break from volunteering, I plan to reengage with my local WP community soon.

I'm excited to welcome you to the WebCami Cafe and invite you to join my Facebook group. Started in 2018 to connect with other GoDaddy Pro advisory panel members, it has grown into a supportive and dynamic community.
Podcast Appearances
- WP Builds - This Week in WordPress #316 -11/24
- WP Builds - This Week in WordPress #290 - 3/24
- WebCami Podcast - Weekly, 3/23 - 3/24
- Seriously, Bud? - A conversation with a fellow WordPress podcaster
- Do The Woo - A Community Chat with Cami MacNamara in Seattle
- WP Builds - This Week in WordPress #171
- Do The Woo - Solopreneurs Bringing Pride, Experience and Business Smarts to the WooCommerce Space
- Women in WP - Networking with Cami MacNamara
Videos & Webinars
- Ph**ked Up with Phunder - How WebCami Found Her Groove as a WordPress Web Designer
- It's About Time - Presentation - WordCamp Vancouver 2023
- Page Builder Summit - Why Page Builders are Beneficial for the non-Technical End User
- GoDaddy Pro - WordPress Trends to Watch in 2022
- Ways to make your freelance business resilient - Webinar May, 2020
- How to manage your clients - GoDaddy Pro Meetup, April 2021
Speaking Engagements
- WordCamp Phoenix , March 2023 - "It's About Time"
- West Seattle Chamber Luncheon, June 2023 - "5 Things to Fix on Your Website to Get More Clients"
- WordCamp Vancouver BC, September 2023 - "It's About Time"
- Beaver Builder - Building a Successful Realtor Website - An Interview and Site Showcase with WebCami
- - WebCami Site Design: From WordPress to business coaching
- GoDaddy.ccom - Featured GoDaddy Pro Members
- - How to become a web designer in the new year - Everything you need to know