Be a Part of the WebCami Podcast

Microphone on stand. Podcast recording concept.

Hello, fellow WordPress enthusiasts. I’m Cami MacNamara, a WordPress Web Designer and host of the WebCami Podcast. Today, I am thrilled to invite you to contribute to my podcast, a project I am truly passionate about. If you haven’t listened yet, my podcast has a simple format. I read blog posts about WordPress, web design, and running a web design business like an audiobook.

Since March, I’ve been honing my narration skills by reading my own blog posts. With my process ready, I can’t wait to bring your content to life on my podcast.

Why Should You Consider This?

By submitting your blog posts for narration, you’ll reach a new audience who might not have time to read your post online. Although this podcast doesn’t adhere to the traditional interview format, listeners can enjoy your content while walking, driving, or engaging in other activities, making learning about WordPress convenient.

What Am I Looking For?

I’m seeking blog posts that provide value to my listeners, most of whom are freelance WordPress web designers, solopreneurs, and small agency owners. Posts should contain practical tips, advice, and strategies that can help them enhance their craft and grow their web design businesses.

While promotional content has its place, the WebCami Podcast is more about knowledge sharing and community building. Submitted blog posts should be primarily educational rather than entirely promotional. I’m looking for a balance to share. A little bit of both is just fine!

Submission Considerations

Submitting your blog post does not guarantee inclusion in the WebCami Podcast. Each submission will be thoroughly reviewed to ensure it aligns with the podcast’s focus and provides value to my audience. I appreciate each submission and the time and effort put into them, and while I would love to feature all, I must select those that best fit the podcast’s theme and my listener’s interests.

About My Commentary

I provide a short personal commentary after narrating each blog post. This commentary aims to inspire and generate thoughtful discussion, always maintaining a respectful and supportive perspective of the original piece.

Please note that while my feedback is always honest and encouraging, it will not be shared with the post’s author in advance. This method allows for genuine reflection for my audience’s listening experience.

How Can You Submit Your Post?

It’s easy! Just submit the form below and provide your information.

Each submission will be given thoughtful consideration. If selected, I’ll inform you and share when it will appear on the podcast so that you can spread the word on your social channels.

Alternatively, if you come across a blog post that would benefit my audience but isn’t your own, you can still recommend it. I’ll then contact the author for permission to narrate it on the podcast.

Let’s Build A Web Design Community Together

Together, we can build a supportive community that encourages learning, shares experiences, and fosters growth. Please check out my Facebook group, WebCami Cafe, if you are interested in getting to know more web designers in the WordPress space.

I look forward to your submissions, and thank you for your interest. Let’s create something special that will resonate with our fellow web designers and help them in their journey with WordPress.

Submit a blog post for narration

Don’t have time to read this post? You can listen below!

Cami MacNamara

Cami MacNamara has 20+ years of experience running a small, profitable, one-person web design business, so she can walk her dog whenever she likes. / Twitter / Instagram