Learning to use Genesis


As I have stated previously, I firmly believe that using Genesis is a great starting point for any WordPress web design business. I don’t recommend jumping straight into using page builders like Beaver Builder simply because if you want to be a web designer, you must know how to code. If you don’t, you will find yourself and your customers frustrated with the design process. You need to know how to code so you aren’t simply a glorified do-it-yourself-er when it comes to web design.

Luckily, there are great resources out there to learn the Genesis Framework. Here are my favorites:

Lynda.comCarrie Dils has several courses on using Genesis:

Learning Genesis for WordPress
Course Description: Whether you’re a novice or an advanced developer, Genesis provides the foundation that takes WordPress to places you never thought it could go. Because Genesis is much more than a mere WordPress theme; it’s an underlying framework of immaculate code that offers three important benefits: SEO, security, and a huge selection of design options. Learn how to get up and running with Genesis in these tutorials from Carrie Dils. She’ll show you how to configure the basic settings, from selecting a layout to enabling comments; create menus and add them to your site; choose a homepage; and work with popular widgets. She also offers a few tips for when you’re ready to take WordPress further with search engine optimization (SEO) and templates.

WordPress and Genesis DIY: Setting Up Genesis
Course Description: Want to build a website, without all the work? Do it yourself (DIY) with WordPress and Genesis, the WordPress theme framework. This course helps you set up WordPress, showing how to choose a web host and connect to it via FTP, download and install WordPress, connect to a database, and make your first post. This is the primary step in creating and maintaining your very own WordPress website.

WordPress Themes: Customizing Themes with Genesis
Course Description: Whether you’re a novice or advanced developer, Genesis provides a foundation that takes WordPress to places you never thought it could go. The Genesis framework for WordPress is more than a mere WordPress theme; it’s an underlying framework of immaculate code offering three important benefits: SEO optimization, security, and a huge selection of design options. In this course, learn how to work with the framework in order to customize child themes. Carrie Dils discusses key aspects of Genesis—including template files and action hooks and filters—to help familiarize you with the structure and components that make up this framework. With a solid understanding of how Genesis operates, you can modify nearly any child theme.

For more advanced training and tutorials:

Sridhar Katakam – Genesis and WordPress Tutorials

This is a stand out recommendation for me.  I used this site before it became a membership site and had zero hesitation signing up for a recurring monthly fee.  Sridhar has all the code you can’t figure out on your own.  He adds features like portfolios, sticky navigation and things you never even thought of but you really need!  And he’s responsive.  I’ve emailed him several times with questions and suggestions and some he’s made into posts.  He has everything organized by child theme, too. Once you have a command of the Genesis Framework, this is money well spent!

StudioPress – Genesis Code Snippets

The StudioPress website also has great code snippets and general tutorials.  Their forum can also be a great place for support and learning.  You need to be a member to access the forums.

I know there are quite a few other sites available for Genesis training.  Can you share where you get support if you use Genesis?  I’d love to know!


Cami MacNamara

Cami MacNamara has 20+ years of experience running a small, profitable, one-person web design business, so she can walk her dog whenever she likes. WebCami.com / Twitter / Instagram