WebCami’s Toolbox: XML Sitemaps


Have you ever had a potential client tell you they need a new website, about 10 pages, to replace their current website?  Have you dived into the project and discovered they really have a 120 pages website and have no idea that they really need a site more than 10 times what they thought they needed?

People aren’t sure what a page is.  People don’t know what a post is either. I finally stopped trusting them to tell me what they think they want and I find out what they need through an online scan at:

I use this scan:

  • When I new inquiry calls. I check their site here to find out how many pages they have.
  • When a client fills out my project application and mentions sites they like. There is a problem if they told me they needed a 10 page site but all the sites they want me to look at for design are 100+ pages.
  • When I can’t find something on a client’s old site. I can use the sitemap to find what I need.

Clients that know the number of posts or pages on their current website are rare. Many look at their site navigation at the TOP LEVEL and think that is all that exists. We all know that is rarely the case.

Bookmark this site to know what’s really under the hood of your next website conversion. P.S. I’ve only used the free version all these years.

RESOURCES: SEMrush – 10 Awesome Visual, Proven Sitemap Generator Tools

Cami MacNamara

Cami MacNamara has 20+ years of experience running a small, profitable, one-person web design business, so she can walk her dog whenever she likes. / Twitter / Instagram