Week 8: Working with a broken ankle

This is it. I am done.
No more ankle updates. I am in two shoes and walking without crutches.
For those of you that might be reading this series, because you recently broke your ankle, even though I’m upright and wearing shoes, I have a long recovery ahead of me. Your leg will be a total noodle after your cast comes off. You can expect that walking in a boot will be hard. You can expect your knees to hate you. You will find stairs to be EVIL. Your leg and foot will swell up every single night. You will be the slowest person walking everywhere.
What to do when you are finally walking:
- Make a physical therapy appointment and do exercises.
- Put cork or extra shoe inserts in your other shoe when walking in a boot.
- Don’t let go of those crutches too soon.
- Keep the shower chair. I’m still using it and probably will for another week or two.
- Ice and elevate every single night.
- Elevate during the day.
- Driving a stick shift is a plus if you break your left ankle! It’s like a workout.
What did I learn from working through this mishap in my life?
- You don’t have to tell all your clients what happened and that you are sidelined. You can limit it to the ones that need to know.
- You can have very effective meetings on Zoom. I have hidden my in-person scheduling option and will share it with specific clients.
- When you aren’t leaving your house, you can get a lot of work done, even with many breaks.
- Let your friends help you.
- Keep a routine, even if it’s modified.
- Delivery is your friend.
- If you have something, you need to finish, focus and do it. I launched a new client portal, and my clients love it.
- I’m most happy I passed on surgery. The doctor gave me the option, and I passed. I healed fine without it, and I don’t have metal in my ankle.
This accident was a big hurdle in my life. I went six weeks without taking a step, had pain and sadness, and had to talk positively to myself to make it through. It was hard, but many others made it through their daily lives with everyday disabilities. I have a tremendous amount of respect for their resilience and strength.
I’m grateful to see this in my rearview mirror. And happy to shut up about it, too. Thanks for sharing this journey with me whether you wanted to or not. That makes two of us!
RESOURCES: DIYPS.org – Tips and tricks for real life and living with an ankle fracture